Pacific Cinderella explores the commonalities between the stories of Cinderella and the Chinese folk tale of Yeh Shen with the aim of celebrating the similarities between youth cultures in China and the United States. It was written, directed and conceived by Stephanie Vlahos.

A cross-cultural collaboration between the Los Angeles County High School for the Arts and China’s Hangzhou School for the Arts.

Pacific Cinderella – ‘Bottom-up’ education enhances ties

The cross-cultural co-production Pacific Cinderella is based on a 9th-century Chinese tale known as The Butterfly Fairy. That drew the interest of Stephanie Vlahos, a teacher at the Los Angeles County High School for the Arts.

China Daily

Interviews with the students and faculty from the LA County High School for the Arts on their production (太平洋灰姑娘) created in collaboration with the Hangzhou Arts High School.